Your child should be seen by a dentist as soon as you see the first tooth appear in his or her mouth, and no later than his or her first birthday.
Waiting until all the baby teeth have come in is not necessary and is often too late for children that are at high risk for developing early childhood cavities. Do not wait until your child is in pain or until you notice problems!
Your child's first visit to our office is the most important one. This will be the time for us to establish trust and understanding between Dr. McManus, your child, our staff, and yourself.
We teach your child to be comfortable at Toddlers to Teens Dental by explaining things in fun and exciting ways, and always in terms that are age-appropriate.
This visit also presents an opportunity to discuss a preventive program that can start your child off on the road to a cavity-free life, and to answer any oral health questions you may have.